Iron-On The words Santa's Little Helper are in an arc above elf boots.

Price: $1.85 CAD

Santa's Lil Helper

Item No: E468
Dimensions: 2" w x 2" h
Patch since: May 01/15

We all know that Santa's a very busy man. He has to make toys, find out who's naughty or nice, check the list twice, and then visit each house without waking anyone up. That's a big to-do list, so Santa relies heavily on his little helpers to help him get Christmas ready. If you know a Lil Helper deserves a reward, why not give them the Santa's Lil Helper patch?

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I am ordered 100 blank badges that are 2'x4' with white thread/trim with a plain backing too (because I hate iron on). I wanted you to know that I got my patches on June 5th and they are great. I know they are plain, but it makes them perfect; my 8 year old was supper excited and is planning what he can draw on a bunch of them.


Iona Bailey

Cold Lake, AB


Lori, they are just perfect! Thank you so much, these are going to go like hot cakes :)

Keno City, YT


I just got my crests in the mail this weekend and they look fantastic! Thank you so much!

--Jenn M.
Eugene, OR

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